2019 Celebration for Children
Donations needed by November 15th
Dear Rubye’s Kids Supporter,
Thank you for helping us serve children in need for the past 26 years! Your financial contributions enabled us to build and support six Library Learning Centers in homeless shelters; provide thousands of new winter coats, backpacks, duffle bags with pillows and toiletries for children entering the shelter system; sponsor summer camp and enrichment programs and end each year with big holiday celebrations.
We are thrilled to announce that in 2019 we will provide holiday joy for kindergarten through third grade students at two Philadelphia elementary schools. Building on last year’s successful launch of our “Party in a Bag” initiative, approximately 600 children will choose a new toy; choose a new book; and receive a make-your-own holiday card, bookmark kit, hat, scarf and gloves, positive affirmation pillowcase, Rubye’s Kids “I share my sparkle with the world” button, and school supplies.
We need your help! Your donations are the only way that we can continue to meet the important needs of Rubye’s Kids children during the holidays and all year long. Thank you for your continued and generous support.
How YOU can help.
In Kind Donations: new basketballs, ethnic dolls, cars, trucks, craft kits, etc. Financial Support: Click here to donate online or send a check to
Rubye’s Kids, Inc. c/o Weiss Holistic Health Center 453 Johnson Street, Suite 101 Jenkintown, PA 19046 Rubye’s Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Donations needed by November 15th
Thank YOU from all of Rubye’s Kids!
Rubye’s Kids, Inc. provides services for children in need all year long.
I Will Help!
▢ Financial Support $________(check enclosed) (Online donations at rubyeskids.org)
▢ List my name as a donor on the Rubye’s Kids Website
▢ I will drop off ____ new gift(s) at the Jenkintown address below by 11/15
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________
Phone: ____________________________ Email: _________________________________
Rubye’s Kids, Inc. c/o Weiss Holistic Health Center 453 Johnson Street, Suite 101 Jenkintown, PA 19046 Rubye’s Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.